Brussels Vlog & Snapshots

11:24 AM

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BRUSSELS! I had never been there before and after my bestie moved there for her European Parliament internship it was a no-brainer to go and see her and enjoy what Brussels had to offer. Since I was also planning to go to Amsterdam it made sense to join these two trips into one. After a few days exploring Amsterdam (check the vlog and pictures HERE) i took a bus to Brussels to see Carmen. I was staying at her house, where she was living with the houseowner, but she wasn't home so we mostly had it to ourselves which was amazing.
The first night I arrived Carmen picked me up from the bus station and we had planned to go to one of her friends' house for an international food night, where interns from the Parliament had to bring traditional food from their home country. It was so nice meeting everyone and trying different kinds of dishes from all over Europe. The next day we went to see the European Parliament, which I was lucky enough to see from the inside as well, thanks to Carmen. It was so cool knowing how everything works and what it looks like. Then we walked around the town and decided to have lunch from one of those famous fries' stalls in the city. The queue was so long, but it was worth it, they were honestly amazing and you get to choose from loads of sauces. We walked around the town for most of the day, went shopping and later on we met some of Carmen's friends from the Parliament and had a quiet wine night.
On the second day we went for a walk in the old town, where I had Belgian waffles and we saw the Mannekin Pis (the little peeing boy statue). We also went to see the amazing Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, the Royal Palace and Royal Galleries of Saint-Hubert, which was filled with expensive Belgian chocolate shops. I think I've never had better chocolate than Belgian. Worth going there for! On the final day the weather was so nice we went to the park. It was warm enough to just wear a t-shirt and that was March! Although I think Brussels and Amsterdam are quite similar, I really liked Brussels' architecture, all the houses just looked so cute and luxurious. Wouldn't mind living there hehe.... Overall had the best time and it's always cool exploring new places with your favourite people 😊. Peace 🖤

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BRÜSSEL! Ma polnud kunagi Brüsselis käinud, kuni mu parim sõbranna kolis sinna Euroopa Parlamendi praktika pärast, mis tähendas et ma ilmselgelt pidin talle külla minema ja sealhulgas ka Brüsselit avastama! Kuna ma plaanisin ka Amsterdamis ülikooli sõbrannadega kokku saada, siis tundus loogiline need kaks trippi ühendada. Pärast paari päeva Amsterdamis (vaata videot ja pilte SIIT) istusin bussi peale ja sõidsin Brüsselisse Carmeni juurde. Ma ööbisin Carmeni kodus, kus ta elas majaomanikuga, aga kuna teda polnud paar päeva kodus, siis terve maja oli enamus ajast meie päralt jeii.
Esimene õhtu kui ma kohale jõudsin, tuli Carmen mulle bussijaama vastu ning meil oli plaanitud minna ühe Carmeni sõbra juurde, kes korraldas enda juures rahvusvahelise toidupeo, kus kõik  erinevad Europarlamendi praktikandid tõid oma rahvustoite teistele proovida. Täiega tore oli tutvuda uute huvitavate inimestega ning proovida erinevaid toite üle Euroopa. Järgmine päev me käisime Euroopa Parlamendis, kus mul oli ka võimalus sees käia tänu Carmenile. Megalahe oli näha, milline see seest välja näeb ja kuidas kõik toimib. Edasi me jalutasime linna peal ringi ning lõpuks otsustasime lõunat osta kohalikust kuulsast friikartuli putkast. Me seisime järjekorras ikka päris kaua, aga see oli seda väärt, sest need friikad olid tõesti head ja sai valida ülipaljude kastmete seast. See päev me veel jalutasime linnas, shoppasime natuke ning õhtul tegime Carmeni sõpradega väikse veiniõhtu.
Järgmisel päeval jalutasime me vanalinnas, kus ma sõin Belgia vahvleid ja nägime ära ka Pissiva Poisi. Samuti käisime St. Michael & St. Gudula katedraalis, nägime kuningalossi ja jalutasime Saint-Huberti shoping galeriis? (pole õrna aimugi kuidas seda eesti keeles öelda, kes teab palun andke teada😂). Seal me imetlesime meeletuid šokolaadipoode ja ausalt Belgia šokolaad on parim, mis ma saanud olen. Kuna viimasel päeval oli megailus ilm otsustasime Brüsseli suurimasse parki ilma nautima minna. Õues oli piisavalt soe, et t-särgi väel olla ja see oli märts! Kuigi minu arust on Brüssel ja Amsterdam natuke sarnased, siis mulle täiega meeldis Brüsseli arhitektuur - kõik majakesed olid nii armsad ja nägid luksuslikud välja. Elaks seal hea meelega hehe....Igatahes oli mul seal mega mõnna ja uusi kohti on alati parim avastada oma lemmikinimestega 😊. Peace 🖤

International food night

Carmen's neighbourhood

European Parliament Headquarters

Longest line to get the best fries in town

Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula

Royal Galleries of Saint-Hubert / The Grand Place

The Grand Place

Manneken Pis

Belgian waffles!

The Royal Palace

Arch and Park of Cinquantenaire

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