Love & Rainbows

11:37 AM

Credits & Adlinks:

Photos: Rando Kärk / Editing: Me

Bomber jacket: H&M / Crop top: Primark / Jeans: H&M / Sneakers: New Balance / Backpack: New Look / Sunglasses: Jennyfer

SUMMER IS HERE! We shot this look in Haapsalu's Railway and Communications Museum and I think the trains look so cool and colourful as a background. Also, I'm so in love with these orange sunglasses, found them when shopping in Brussels and fell in love straight away. This summer's sunglasses are all about coloured retro lenses and I also want round yellow ones. Let me know if you know where to find them! I know they're selling some at H&M just now, but I might try and find other ones. And sorry for wearing the same backpack all the time, it''s honestly my all time favourite, it's too cute haha. 
I'm happy the weather has been quite good lately and hopefully it will last now. At least until Midsummer's eve. Which I have no plans for... So let me know what you guys are doing so I can copy you haha. I just wanna hang out with friends, eat barbecue and sit by the fire. Until next time! Peace! 🖤

SUVI ON KOHAL! Me tegime need pildid Haapsalu Raudtee- ja sidemuuseumis ja minu arvates on need rongid taustaks nii lahedad ja värvilised. Ja ma armastan neid oranže päikseprille, leidsin need Brüsselis shopates ja armusin esimesest silmapilgust haha. Värvilised retro klaasid on selle suve päikseprillitrend ja ma tahaks endale veel kollaseid ümmargusi prille. Kui te teate, kust selliseid saaks siis andke teada! Ma tean, et praegu müüakse mingeid H&M'is, aga ma tahaks mujalt leida. Ja sorri, et ma sama seljakotti koguaeg kannan, see on ausalt mu lemmik, liiga nunnu kott haha.
Ma olen megaõnnelik, et viimasel ajal on hea ilm olnud ja loodetavasti jääb see ka püsima. Vähemalt jaanipäevani. Mille jaoks mul plaane muidugi pole... nii et andke teada, mis te teete, siis saan sama teha haha. Tahaks lihtsalt sõpradega olla, grillida ja jaanitule ümber istuda. Järgmise korrani! Peace! 🖤

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